Soul SiStories

Guided by Divine Love: Terri Sena's Journey of Resilience and Hope

Dona Rice & Diana Herweck Season 1 Episode 3

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Imagine a life guided by divine love, where hope and joy illuminate every step. That's the reality for our guest, Terri Sena, who joins us to share her extraordinary spiritual journey. As a divinely guided channel and spiritual guide, Terri opens up about her 25-year exploration of love, alignment, and integrity. Through heartfelt stories, she illustrates how divine love has been her steadfast companion, shaping her role as a Stargate Experience Facilitator and religious science practitioner. We explore how her practices have fortified her resilience, allowing her to face life's challenges with grace and unwavering faith.

We dive into a rich tapestry of experiences, as Terri reveals the transformative power of joy, gratitude, and compassion. Her journey, marked by moments of surrender and divine intervention, underscores the beauty of diverse expressions of God in every individual. Terri candidly shares her past struggles with addiction, detailing how love and connection became her anchors. Her narrative serves as a beacon, encouraging us to embrace kindness in our interactions, and reminding us of the profound impact compassion can have on creating a more loving world.

As we conclude our conversation, Terri reflects on the legacy she hopes to leave, one filled with love, hope, and light. We touch on the inspirational figures who have shaped her path, from spiritual mentors to the timeless wisdom of Yogananda Paramahansa. Terri introduces us to her meditation center, Arc of Light, a sanctuary dedicated to manifesting divine presence. With stories that inspire introspection and celebration of individuality, this episode promises to leave you with a renewed sense of purpose and a deeper understanding of the power of divine love.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Soul Sisteries.

Speaker 2:

Welcome everybody to Soul Sisteries. Today we're going to be talking with Terri Sena and going to share a whole lot of beautiful information about kind of her journey and what's gotten her to where she is today.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's. You know, I've been really blessed and happy to have known Terry for a long time, though we've had long seasons in between having seen each other or talk with one another. But I'm always inspired when I talk with her about this. Oh God, how would you even describe it? Just this very beautiful, simple way that she lives. She's crafted a life of I'm hesitating to use that word simple, but I mean it in just like simple principles of love, of alignment with the inner voice, with integrity and truth and goodness and kindness. These are simple things, and she's manifested a really beautiful life through this. Not a trouble-free life Definitely has had her challenges along the way, because all lives do but how she meets it and how her perspective is something that I find so inspiring.

Speaker 2:

And she used that word too, though the simple, simple love she used that word while we were we're talking with her, and that that's really what it all is about is just that simple love that allows her to show up for life, even when things aren't so simple, when things aren't so easy, right, Absolutely, absolutely so a real person doing the real thing, and I think that can be such an inspiration for so many on how to get it done.

Speaker 1:

Terry shares really freely about some heavy and dark places that she's been and moments of absolute surrender out of her hands. And here she is today walking in this light. It's good stuff. Can't wait for everyone to hear.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and how could you not feel hopeful after hearing her story?

Speaker 1:

Right, For sure, sis, For sure. Yeah, Hope let's do it. Welcome everyone to Soul Sisteries and our podcast guest today, the wonderful Terry Sena. I'm Donna Rice and I am here with my wonderful soul sister and sister, Diana.

Speaker 2:

Herwick. Thanks, good to be here. I'm excited to talk with you today, terry.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, me too. Thank you for having me.

Speaker 1:

We're so delighted to have you. I'm going to say a little bit about you first, and then we're going to jump in right away to getting your story and your take. I'm so excited because I've known Terry for many, many, many years and I want the world to know her, to know her light more than anything, because it is bold and bright and very homey. Also, at the same time, very personal and real. So Terri Sena is a divinely guided channel assisting humanity in the evolution of consciousness. She's trained as a Stargate Experience Facilitator since 2018, and she guides you through the higher dimensions to awaken your inner guidance and to connect with your true divine self. Terri started her spiritual journey 25 years ago through 12-step programs which led her to become a religious science practitioner. She now helps run a Western esoteric mystery school, guiding students on the path of light through hermetic teachings of Kabbalah, tarot, spiritual alchemy and healing. Terry opened Arc of Light in early 2024 to offer higher vibrational classes and products to assist more people toward divine love and to know themselves as true love. You can visit wwwarkoflightorg for more information.

Speaker 1:

Ark with a K, terry, welcome. Thank you Happy to be here. So so great to have you here. So are you good if we just we jump in with some questions and we're just going to see where where they lead us? Yeah, sounds good.

Speaker 2:

And before we do that, just because obviously you two have this history together and I am just meeting you today and I'm really bummed that I'm just meeting you today, Cause I would have loved to be on this journey with you for the last 25 years so I am really excited to learn a little bit more about you and probably head on over to your website and continue to gather information. Oh great, that would be great.

Speaker 1:

So, Terry, as you know, our Soul Sisteries has a tagline which is hope through. Really, that's the center and the essence of what we are wanting to talk about and, to you know, hold space for in the world, in our lives personally and in the world, to be that presence in the world as well. And I was talking with you a little earlier and we talked about what your hope through is and that hope through for you is divine love, which is beautiful. So talk to us a little bit about that, will you that hope through for you is divine love, which is beautiful. So talk to us a little bit about that. Will you that hope through divine love, what that is for you?

Speaker 3:

Sure. So I've been on this spiritual journey for 25 years, and it started off I was in a place, and that's what led me as far as what that is. But I always, you know, seem to land on my feet, no matter what the situation is. No matter what the situation is, I always have guidance, you know, whether it be through my spirit guides, my higher self, I always am guided to something better and more always. And it's not until, you know, on the other side of the 25 years, that I can look back and really see that I have been divinely guided, and it's that love of God that has led me to where I am today. And so I don't get worried. When situations pop up, you know, obviously I have, I'll have emotions around them or whatever, but I always know I'm going to be taken care of always.

Speaker 1:

That that is a beautiful, beautiful knowing, and I can, and I can say, through knowing you, you are an out picturing of that peace and calm that we're all striving for and I love that. You know, how you just said, you still have your emotions, you still have, oh yeah, very human journey here. It doesn't take that away, no, but that that knowingness makes all the difference, doesn't it?

Speaker 3:

It really does. And you know I didn't know that early on in my journey. And you know, as all of us, I have my moments where depression hits, and you know. But I'm able to snap out of it and move on. So, yeah, it's been quite a blessing for me to have that guidance.

Speaker 2:

Can you share, terri, how you got to that realization? Because I know you mentioned, you know, 25 years ago, kind of on this journey, and I don't imagine it was just you know? The next day you realized oh, I'm divinely guided. I wish it was that easy.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I wish I had my Moses burning bush moment. That didn't happen. So we, you know, I point in my life I had burned every bridge. I no longer had a job, my children, my relationships, a place to live, and I literally sat on a curb in Orange, california, and I just gave up and I said you know, I didn't have a religious upbringing. But I said, god, I can't do this anymore, I need help. And I felt like a presence, almost like picked me up and put me on their back and like carry me forward.

Speaker 3:

And next thing I knew I woke up in a blackout in a treatment center very far away from Orange, in the whole, you know, in LA County, and had no idea how I got there and it just kind of went from there. I showed up at this recovery center with no money, no clothes other than what I had on my back, no belongings, and it was from there that I started to see glimpses of this divine love. I would be in a situation where, you know, I had no toiletries, as basic as that is. And next thing I know a package shows up from my sister and I hadn't even mentioned because my family at that point was not talking to me and they somehow found out where I was and she sent a package of toiletries. And then, you know, it was Easter holiday and I wanted to buy my children gift baskets and I had no money. And next thing, I know, the head of the retreatment center walks in and says I need someone to clean my house, would you like to do that? And I will pay you. And it was just enough for me to get them baskets. And so it just kind of snowballed from there, you know, and I really at that point realized, you know, in 12 step programs we're taught to find a God of our understanding. And I didn't know what that meant until I started getting these little glimpses and realized, you know, there is a higher power working here.

Speaker 3:

And at that point, because I'd seen so many of these little things, I actually traded my addictions for an addiction to God and because it just felt so good and I felt loved.

Speaker 3:

It was the first time in my life I felt it was okay to be me and I would still be loved. It was okay that I'd done some things, that I had a lot of shame around and I was still loved. And it just grew from there. And you know, even up to a year ago, you know, I woke up one morning and was guided by my inner guidance to open this meditation center and I kind of pushed back because, you know, I still have a corporate job and everything just fell in my lap. It couldn't have been easier. And I kept resisting and resisting and no, and then you know God would say, well, how about this? I'll make it even easier for you. And you know, giving me a faith that the rent is so reasonable and just it was one thing after another. So that's just how my life has been since, since I got on this path.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah very very hopeful. I mean that the whole it is just hope it does.

Speaker 3:

It's very hopeful and, like I said, even when I read this, something that you know, my, my higher self and God would like me to do, like this meditation center, it's like no here. Well, here, here, and and I know I could have said no, it would have been fine, but the way it was, all everything was presented to me, so, um, divinely guided, that I couldn't say no.

Speaker 2:

And yeah, and each time you said no, there was just something else opening. Yes, yeah, that was yeah.

Speaker 1:

You know what, terry, what I heard at the start of this and God, thank you for sharing that gorgeous story it just, I mean, I feel, I feel it throughout me, love it so much and love your honesty and openness in sharing it. But what I hear at the heart of it is at that start, is the word surrender, and I know you want to speak to that a little bit. Could you talk about that surrender, would you agree? Is that word relevant?

Speaker 3:

Yes, would you agree? Is that is that word relevant divine. And what happens, though, is, rather than living from the heart and this inner knowing, we get in our head, and, you know, we overthink things and think we can figure it all out. I can figure out, you know, I'm intelligent, I can make sense of this and find a way, and it's interesting, the walls that you'll hit when you do that. But the moment you say I'm exhausted, I can't do that anymore, and you just surrender and let go, and, you know, turn it over to God's will, just the flow happens, and, you know, I I would be more in alignment with you know what spirit had, you know, planned for me or, you know, was co-creating with me is more the sense of it, but, yeah, it has a lot to do with surrender and letting our, our higher self, which is, you know, part of the Christ consciousness you know lead the way.

Speaker 1:

So beautiful, so beautiful friend. Thank you for that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and so we kind of just got the quick brief overview of the last 25 years right. But something got you to that point 25 years ago when you were able to surrender. And I'm curious, if you kind of think back to when you were younger and just, you know your 13-year-old, you know young, adolescent self, what would Terry at 13 think about where you are today and what you're doing today?

Speaker 3:

She would have no concepts whatsoever of where I am now. It wouldn't even. It would be like a foreign language. You know, I grew up in the Midwest in a really non-religious family. My parents, especially my father. There was some mental and emotional and sometimes physical abuse. So 13 year old Terry was, you know, either just surviving and living or, you know, I would look outside of the home for my friends, for, you know, love and comfort. So this concept that there was even a divine presence guiding me would just wouldn't make any sense, Right At all.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, wow, yeah, I, I totally. Understand that absolutely. And and at the same time, for her to know now that, um, not only is there this, um avenue for, for hope and for, I guess, sanity, but there's thriving beyond that. Yes, we get to this point of, because what I know about you is that you live life in joy, yes, and gratitude, and that these inform your emotional reality, your emotional experience in your life. Am I over speaking?

Speaker 3:

No, you're exactly right, I do have joy and gratitude for where I am today and even you know I, truly I try to love from my heart as much as possible and I love people and I, you know, being kind and being joyful is, it's just my nature. It's not something that I, you know, I wake up in the morning and think, oh, I need to be kind today, but I think that's an outgrowth of what I have gone through to where I am today. You know so many people, you know when I say divine love, you know for me God works through people and for people, so many people in my life to show up and to help me and offer me. You know their love and just I couldn't be more grateful and I've, you know, been given this gift of knowing God's love that I want to share it with everybody. I want everyone you know that's usually my prayer is, you know may all humans know the love of God in their heart, because I think if we all had that, the world would be a much different place.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we'd certainly operate with a different intention in our interactions with one another, but I love what you're sharing, terry, also is that this is this, this God understanding as you're expressing it is very personal, that there's a connection and yet everybody's got their own, their own journey, their own Right.

Speaker 3:

And you know, we, I think, just because our human brains are so limited, we can't possibly understand the omniscience of God. And you know there's what? 8 billion humans on the planet, which means there's 8 billion different expressions of God. And they're all good, they're all exactly right, and no one needs to be something other than what they are. And to me, that's what's beautiful is we each get to express God in our own way, right?

Speaker 1:

So the other thing I'm hearing and I know you've got a question to ask, sis, but I want to say this one thing before we move on to something else, Because the other thing that I'm hearing so profoundly in everything you're sharing, terry, is also that compassion for fellow humans, the compassion that's built, I'm assuming, out of your own journey, your own challenge journey, your own discovery, but that compassion that allows you that love and grace and openness for for you know your fellows on the path.

Speaker 3:

Yep, because it's that whole concept of you know passing it on. You know I've been blessed with good friends and loving relationships and great opportunities, and so I want to share that with others. And you know hope in the hopes that they too will pass that on, and you know be kind and joyous and grateful with the next person. And you know, to me there's great value in in just being that type of person.

Speaker 2:

Yeah to that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So you know I'm thinking back to you know when your journey started and sitting on that you know, curb in Orange County and not really knowing what's going to happen to you, and probably not feeling a whole lot of hope at that point, and then you know to kind of come to and you're in this new place and somehow you have found hope. I don't know if hope was just dropped in your lap, but you've created hope, you found it somehow. What is it, I guess? What is it that first gave you hope early in this journey and then today? What gives you hope?

Speaker 3:

Well, you know, early in the journey, and you know, if I step back a little bit from that moment, on the curb, I was suffering in my addiction and you know this is one of those shameful moments. But I did try to end my life and I was found pretty quickly and again, you know, someone found me, took me. You know, I remember hearing the fireman going where should we take her? Oh, let's take her to this hospital because they're really good over there.

Speaker 3:

And when they took me to this hospital there was a doctor that was very 12 step focused and he was trying to help me and he was very kind, um, and so I I felt hopeless in the way that, wow, I can't even in my life, you know. And that's when I did surrender because it was like, okay, god, I get, you know, I I don't know what else to do. I've, you know, tried this and that, and so, you know, that's where the hope came in and my journey continued. And the interesting, actually the fun thing for me, is that doctor that was at the hospital later became my friend at the religious science church that I was at. Um, you know, I was new to this church, there was a mysticism class and I walked in and we were partnered up with prayer partners and that doctor was my prayer partner and, donna, you know him.

Speaker 1:

I know who you're talking about and I had no idea that part of your story and yes, and blows my mind and is perfection it right and that's.

Speaker 3:

And it was interesting because, you know, at the that time it didn't click, you know. But I was building this relationship with this doctor and friend and at at one point, you know, we kind of started connecting some dots and we still weren't sure until I found, you know, an invoice, a bill from the hospital where he had signed it.

Speaker 1:

And that's so wild. You know he had a role, a small, but also. He was a part of my my infertility journey that led to adoption. He had a role for me there, so a role in my life too, oh my God, look at, here's this the fireman.

Speaker 3:

Where should we take her? You know their initial. I remember them saying she doesn't have insurance. We're supposed to take her to general hospital, but we don't like that hospital. So we're going to take her over into Orange County to this other hospital. And there's my friend who, you know, saved my life and then later became my prayer partner. And so how can I not have hope, how can I not think that there's a divine love with me and guiding me? And um it those. I have many of those types of stories that just there's just no way you can explain them right right, that is just absolute perfection.

Speaker 1:

I I gotta love that with every fiber of my being. I love that. I kind of want us to stop for a second, like we, for a few minutes right how gorgeous that is. That, that symmetry, that kismet, that all-beauty that does come in surrender. The manifestation is incredible.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that God loves us so much that you know again. You know that's when you realize, okay, there's something bigger happening here and we don't quite understand what spirit and God and you know divinity really is, because there's so many layers happening. You know, was this pre-planned? Was this, you know, a contract made before we incarnated, incarnated and then, if it was the beauty of life, that I grew up in the Midwest and end up with this doctor who becomes my very good friend and saves my life. So that's Diana, to answer your question. I don't know if that answered your question, but that's where my hope comes from. But that's where my hope comes from, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

You've seen hope in action, right? Yes, yes.

Speaker 1:

Over and over and over. Yeah, oh, my gosh, okay, so this I could talk to you forever. I just I'm loving this. I'm flabbergasted.

Speaker 1:

Donna, it's just blows my mind, all of it is so very cool, all right. So obviously you have had inspiration after inspiration in your own life as different parts of your story have unfolded in your own journey. But who along your path? And you've named a few people already, but who along your path? When you think of inspiration, who inspires you, whether you know them personally or out in the world? When I ask you that question, who comes to mind? Who inspires you?

Speaker 3:

Early on. It was my AA sponsor. She's still a very good friend of mine sponsor. She's still a very good friend of mine and we're now at the point where we help one another. And you know, when I opened this new meditation center, I had an open house and certainly didn't think she was going to come, because it's quite a drive for her. And she comes walking in and said, of course I was, was here, this is what you've been wanting to do since I met you and you know she's an inspiration to me.

Speaker 3:

You know, it's just that simple love, um, you know, nothing grand, just someone that's there for me, has seen me at my worst and still unconditionally wanted to support me beings. You know there's Yeshua Jesus. You know the Divine Mother, the, you know. Just then I moved on to Yogananda Paramahansa and he, his writings, are very inspiring and speak to my soul and it's, you know, I just kind of keep growing and finding, you know, new inspirations to inspire me and keep me going. Really, yeah, Go ahead. No, I would say I don't know that it's just one person or two. It's been a lot of people throughout my life.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's been a lot of people throughout my life. Yeah, and one of the things that it sounds like they've all had in common you mentioned that simple love. You know that it's just love. It's that kindness you talked about earlier. Just boy, I I'm just imagining a world filled with love. And what a different world. This would be Right and goodness. Just meeting everybody who you come into contact with from this loving consciousness and the path.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you know, I, I truly believe. You know, we're all just doing the best we can, and Just doing the best we can, and you know, struggling and loving. And he said no matter where he goes in his travels, people always will ask him well, what are those people like and what are those people over there like? And he said everyone's the same. We all just want good things for our families, for those we love, good, good things for our families for those we love. Um, however, you know, obviously, the way the out picturing of that is different for everyone and doesn't sometimes make sense. Um, but he said that's really the. The key to it is just that that love.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, a profound simplicity, yeah, really. So, as you've walked this beautiful journey of life, have you developed a kind of philosophy of life, or maybe a motto or a mantra or something that you kind of you? This is what you live by.

Speaker 3:

Motto or a mantra or something that you kind of you. This is what you live by? Um, I don't know that I have that. That's, um, that's an interesting question. I'd have to ponder that a little more. Um, but my philosophy now is that, you know my desire to help you know, raise my consciousness and help others raise their consciousness, because the you know and it's, it's fascinating, because we all are just clumps of atoms, you know, with you know some divinity at the center of all those and we're all vibrating. And when we can vibrate higher these atoms and faster we can align ourselves with others who are in alignment with us in our journeys of where we're headed. And so I I strive now to help others raise their consciousness, because I find, as you do so, you no longer look outside of yourself. You know you don't have a guru, or you know your minister, or you know, but it's that inner guidance, you know, that comes alive and a light when you do raise your consciousness.

Speaker 2:

Right, and that's something we all have, right? Yes, we're going to find a mentor, a guru. We have to go outside of ourselves and look for this and who's going to fill that, that right To, to raise somebody's consciousness and to really help them tap into their own guidance, that divinity that's always within them, that is powerful, because that's something that you know, it's just with me, you know, I don't have to go looking for it, right?

Speaker 3:

But we don't know that. You know initially, and I certainly didn't. You know I had gurus and ministers, and you know initially and I certainly didn't. You know, I had gurus and ministers, and you know.

Speaker 3:

But what happens is we put them on pedestals that they didn't ask to be put on, and it causes all kinds of drama and chaos. And so you go to the next, you know, guru, minister, and until you finally realize, you know, these people are just meant to guide me to knowing who I am and to guiding me to knowing the truth of my beingness. That's all they have been doing all along, have been doing all along, and you know, and while I've had challenges with some of them, you know I have to say thank you to them and bless them because they truly, you know, made me who I am today. Even you know, I've got two past husbands that I don't really talk with anymore and, you know, don't care to talk to with anymore. And even them I have to say thank you and bless them, um, because here, you know, it's made us all who we are.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So so much wisdom, my friend, so much wisdom in what you're sharing Through living through living it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So, terry, if you got to think of a song like what would be your theme song, if there was a song that like kind of encapsulated your life, either where you come from, where you're going, what is?

Speaker 1:

your song Like you're a baseball pitcher and you're walking out to the mound. What is the song that they're playing?

Speaker 3:

That's a great question. Um, wow, it would probably have to be there's. I'm drawing a blank of the name of the song. It's a Stevie Wonder song that, oh, it's called Always, and you know it's basically. You know, no matter what, I will always be here for you. You know it's a gorgeous song, you know it's a gorgeous song. It's a gorgeous song and it's just really it's. When I hear it, I think, yes, that's who I am, that's what I hope and wish for all of humanity, and so it would be that song.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. I see that for you, I hear it for you. I'm like 100%. Yes, that is the theme song.

Speaker 2:

Somebody play it, let's go. I am going to play it as soon as we're done, unless we can pull it up right here, but I will definitely play that one.

Speaker 1:

And you talk about somebody also. Just a little side note on Stevie Wonder. Somebody who creates from his soul. I mean right, creates from his soul, I mean right. Everything that manifests like is just channeled from the very core of him. But an amazing artist, okay.

Speaker 1:

That's a little give you wonder appreciation. But, yes, fabulous, all right. So okay, what a journey, what a glorious journey, and I know cause I know you. You've got children, you've got a grandchild, you've got people who love you, You've got a robust community of people who matter to you. Terry, what do you, how do you hope to be remembered as you pass through this journey?

Speaker 3:

Oh, that that made me emotional for some reason. Um, just that. Just that I was kind and that you know I cared about them. As you know, people that meant a lot to me in my life.

Speaker 1:

And just I would hope that when they think of me, you know that they light up and they just have joy in their hearts. Undoubtedly, undoubtedly, that's so, it's certainly true now, and undoubtedly that is the legacy you're leaving. And listen, as we talked about my sister and I talked about this, this podcast and people we want to talk to, guests we want to have, you came to my mind right away, because it is that light, it's that love, it's that kindness and that just that very light touch that you have. That I'm like okay, this, this needs to be out there. This needs to be out as broadly as possible. It's a reality. Just call them like I see them, my friend.

Speaker 3:

Well, right back at you. Oh, you're sweet, you're sweet, thank you. We've had a good friendship and I'm grateful for you, donna.

Speaker 1:

Back at you A little love fast. All right, sis, do we want to jump into the?

Speaker 2:

rapid fire. This is the time in our uh interview, terry, that we kind of we just call it a rapid fire. We're just gonna throw some questions out, okay, kind of like whatever you think of, just just let us know what you think. So, if you had to pick a color for hope, what color is hope? Yellow, gold, okay great.

Speaker 1:

What does hope sound like?

Speaker 3:

Lots of things birds, chirping angels singing, children laughing, children laughing absolutely beautiful fill in the blank.

Speaker 2:

The soul is what is love is. God, divine love is each one of us and the purpose of life is each one of us.

Speaker 3:

And the purpose of life is what To express, uh, the, to express God in our own way, um to, because the full expression, um, is what we're here for and so the purpose is just to express god as we are.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, all right.

Speaker 3:

Hope is um that each human on the planet you know realizes the love that they are and shares that with others. Beautiful.

Speaker 1:

I second it. Yeah, and so it is for sure. Terry, terry, terry, thank you so much for being with us and sharing this time. Listen, if people want to find out more about what you do, we shared your, your Arc of Light website. Yes, tell us where can they find you? What do you, what do you want?

Speaker 3:

people to know, wwwarkoflightorg, and it's Ark, as in Ark of the Covenant, which you know has its own story. That was where the presence of God was brought into physical form, you know, in the Old Testament, and so that's what my place is is the arc of light, where God, the presence of God, is in physical form with all of us. Beautiful.

Speaker 2:

And your meditation center is where, In Idyllwild?

Speaker 3:

California, to the mountain range above Palm Springs. And again that was one of my of Palm Springs and again that was one of my pushbacks, because that's an hour and a half drive for me and I was told nope, that's where it needs to be. So that's where it is.

Speaker 2:

Oh well, I absolutely adore Idlewild, so I you know I'm on the other coast now, but there's certainly a reason for me to come back and visit.

Speaker 3:

It's a beautiful community.

Speaker 1:

It is. I mean, the community as a whole is definitely worth people's time to go have a little visit. But at this point, stopping in your center and sharing that space, that beautiful space, I am just so awed by all that you've manifested, this, just this beautiful, open light life that you're living and the love that's at the heart of it. You are, you're doing it, girl, you're doing it, thank you.

Speaker 2:

I'm grateful that you guys allowed me to join you in this conversation because, kind of Donna and I decided we wanted to have these conversations and I've heard your name over the years and I don't know why I haven't gotten to be part of this. I'm just very excited and honored to be part of it.

Speaker 3:

And I'm really happy for the two of you that you're doing this. You know this was in your, your heart's desire, and just the changes that you'll make in others through it, oh thank you.

Speaker 1:

When you talk about you were talking early on about, you know, just listening to that guidance and then the doors opening right and that's it. So we start talking about this and I'd like, well, my friend Kirk knows some things about. Let me just ask him a few questions and before I know it, he's producing and engineering the thing we're making it like, we're making it happen here. We are Like what just happened there.

Speaker 3:

Okay, it's that divine love that brought you all together.

Speaker 1:

Sure, I love through me, blesses and multiplies all that I am, all that I give and all that I receive. Yes, that was a little prayer we used to say Amen, amen. All right, my friends, thank you everyone for joining us. Thank you, carrie, for being here with us my pleasure.

Speaker 3:

I love you so much.

Speaker 1:

Love you. Let's all live in the light.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, bye-bye Sounds good, bye. Thanks for joining us today on Soul Sisteries.

Speaker 1:

And thanks for sharing stories with us. We'd love to hear your stories as well and keep the conversation going, absolutely keeping the hope going. So we're really hopeful that you'll connect with our guests as well, who have great stories to share, great stories to share. Go ahead and follow them in various social media platforms or live venues, wherever it is that they're performing and sharing what they do.

Speaker 2:

We would love to have you follow us on all of our social media platforms, subscribe and rate, as that will help us get our message of hope out to others. Thanks for listening to Soul Sisteries.

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